
Investment Personality Assessment

Choose the closest category to your personality and current feelings

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and others, providing insights that can be particularly valuable in the world of investing.

Understanding your Enneagram type can offer profound insights into your investing style, strengths, and areas for improvement. It encourages self-awareness and emotional intelligence, critical skills for navigating the complex and often volatile world of investing. By aligning investment strategies with inherent personality traits, individuals can make more informed, confident, and ultimately successful investment decisions.


Question 1 of 7

Which of the following statements best describes your approach to money?


1. I believe money is important and I can be quite serious about money. I hold fairly strong views about money, what is right and wrong, what is acceptable and what is not. I usually put a limited amount of effort into money matters. I try to live within my means and not be too greedy or excessive. I generally don’t like debt, but I am comfortable borrowing for a home or a car. I enjoy spending on nice/expensive goods because they are worth it. I do tend to compare myself with others in seeing what material things they have.


2. Money does not interest me very much and I like to spend it to help other people before spending it on myself. Spending on myself seems a bit selfish and I don’t like asking any other people for money. I am generally optimistic and believe things will probably work out in the end. Money is not a great motivator for me so I spend a limited amount of time and effort thinking about it.


3. I enjoy achieving my goals and money is one of the ways that validates my approach to life. Being money conscious, I work hard to develop my skills and I am not afraid to work hard to achieve my monetary goals. I can budget fairly easily, I am happy to borrow and paying off any debt is usually not a problem. I am happy to make an effort to study money.


4. Money is not a motivating force for me and so I don’t think it can deliver a meaningful life. I can be creative about earning, spending and investing money but things I spend money on have to have some personal meaning to me. Although I’m not that interested in money, I do tend to have expensive taste and overspend. Money is not something that is exciting to me so I don’t really make any effort managing money.


5. I am generally self-sufficient and so I generally minimise the need for money. I don’t really need that much money to survive so I don’t place a great deal of effort in earning a lot of money. I do think money is useful for allowing me to be more self-sufficient. I don’t really worry at all about what others have or “keeping up with the Jones”. I would have to say that I don’t think too much about money.


6. I generally believe money is helps in gaining security and while I can occasionally splurge, most of the time I am fairly frugal and try not to spend too much. Even though I may have some debt, it makes me a bit nervous. I like ‘bargains’ and think getting value for money is more important than buying expensive products. I put in a certain amount of effort regarding money but probably not as much as some other people.


7. Money is important to me because it opens up a large number of opportunities and can fulfil my needs. I think money is a way to increase my options and freedom. I generally don’t limit my spending or devote too much time to thinking about a budget, and when I buy something I can have a budget in mind but I am happy to spend more if I like a product. Having some savings is good as it can provide me with more options. If I really think about it I am happy to make an effort to study how to increase my wealth.


8. I want what I want and think that if you work hard, you should be able to get it. I like to be the master of my own destiny and control my money. I prefer to focus on making more money rather than reducing my spending. I think budgets are restrictive and if I make a lot of money I should be able to spend a lot of it too. I am happy to put effort for the sake of money.


9. Money provides me with comfort and peace of mind. I’m fairly self-reliant and financially responsible and I don’t spend too much on myself. Money is not overly interesting to me and so I don’t work too hard or study investing too much. It’s not really a motivating force for me and so I don’t really spend a great deal of time and effort on money. I have a fairly relaxed attitude towards money and I don’t think about improving my finances. I am happy to let my partner or a professional manage the finances.

Question 2 of 7

Which of these statements would be your second choice if trying to describe your approach to money?


1. I believe money is important and I can be quite serious about money. I hold fairly strong views about money, what is right and wrong, what is acceptable and what is not. I usually put a limited amount of effort into money matters. I try to live within my means and not be too greedy or excessive. I generally don’t like debt, but I am comfortable borrowing for a home or a car. I enjoy spending on nice/expensive goods because they are worth it. I do tend to compare myself with others in seeing what material things they have.


2. Money does not interest me very much and I like to spend it to help other people before spending it on myself. Spending on myself seems a bit selfish and I don’t like asking any other people for money. I am generally optimistic and believe things will probably work out in the end. Money is not a great motivator for me so I spend a limited amount of time and effort thinking about it.


3. I enjoy achieving my goals and money is one of the ways that validates my approach to life. Being money conscious, I work hard to develop my skills and I am not afraid to work hard to achieve my monetary goals. I can budget fairly easily, I am happy to borrow and paying off any debt is usually not a problem. I am happy to make an effort to study money.


4. Money is not a motivating force for me and so I don’t think it can deliver a meaningful life. I can be creative about earning, spending and investing money but things I spend money on have to have some personal meaning to me. Although I’m not that interested in money, I do tend to have expensive taste and overspend. Money is not something that is exciting to me so I don’t really make any effort managing money.


5. I am generally self-sufficient and so I generally minimise the need for money. I don’t really need that much money to survive so I don’t place a great deal of effort in earning a lot of money. I do think money is useful for allowing me to be more self-sufficient. I don’t really worry at all about what others have or “keeping up with the Jones”. I would have to say that I don’t think too much about money.


6. I generally believe money is helps in gaining security and while I can occasionally splurge, most of the time I am fairly frugal and try not to spend too much. Even though I may have some debt, it makes me a bit nervous. I like ‘bargains’ and think getting value for money is more important than buying expensive products. I put in a certain amount of effort regarding money but probably not as much as some other people.


7. Money is important to me because it opens up a large number of opportunities and can fulfil my needs. I think money is a way to increase my options and freedom. I generally don’t limit my spending or devote too much time to thinking about a budget, and when I buy something I can have a budget in mind but I am happy to spend more if I like a product. Having some savings is good as it can provide me with more options. If I really think about it I am happy to make an effort to study how to increase my wealth.


8. I want what I want and think that if you work hard, you should be able to get it. I like to be the master of my own destiny and control my money. I prefer to focus on making more money rather than reducing my spending. I think budgets are restrictive and if I make a lot of money I should be able to spend a lot of it too. I am happy to put effort for the sake of money.


9. Money provides me with comfort and peace of mind. I’m fairly self-reliant and financially responsible and I don’t spend too much on myself. Money is not overly interesting to me and so I don’t work too hard or study investing too much. It’s not really a motivating force for me and so I don’t really spend a great deal of time and effort on money. I have a fairly relaxed attitude towards money and I don’t think about improving my finances. I am happy to let my partner or a professional manage the finances.

Question 3 of 7

First name 

Question 4 of 7

Last Name 

Question 5 of 7

Phone Number

Question 6 of 7


Question 7 of 7

The next step is for a member of our team to work through your results with you, so you are equipped to make the best investing decisions.


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